New, comfortable, private, beautifully decorated  waiting room

The  calendar of the contact one must call to schedule a mikveh appointment on any given night. Please call the attendant at least one day in advance. This information can also be accessed calling the dedicated mikveh hotline at 713-777-2118.

Strict confidentiality will always be preserved.

  • Appointments will be made to minimize overlap of mikveh users, thus enhancing modesty and efficiency. Your timely cooperation is necessary for the success of this important arrangement. 
  • Please contact the mikveh attendant of that evening, at least one day before, to schedule an appointment. 

    To schedule a Mikveh appointment for your desired time, please call the attendant at least one day - 24 hours - in advance. 

    לתזמון מינוי מקוה לזמן הרצוי אנא התקשרו לבלנית המתנדבת לפחות עשרים וארבע שעות מראש  
  • Times of operation will be announced on the Mikveh Hotline. Special arrangements may be made for other times for an additional fee. 
  • Payments for Friday nights must be brought to the office or given to the volunteer on call before Shabbos. 
  • If you have a specific partner you would like to go with, please call the mikveh attendant of that evening to give you a time slot, make an appointment, and open the door for you.  Only the mikveh attendant will be able to access the mikveh.

Dedicated Mikveh Hotline »