Upstairs Simchas Torah Online Auction

On Simchas Torah it is a time honored tradition in communities worldwide to "auction off" the honors, with the proceeds going to tzedaka in support of the Shul. This year, in an effort to accelerate the bidding process, we will begin the auction online prior to Yom Tov. For each honor, there is a minimum bid and a "Buy-Now option". All items not using the "buy-now" function will continue at the live auction on Simchas Torah morning. Of course, one may increase their bid beyond the "buy-now" option for an even greater mitzvah, with more zechusim and brochos!

The webpage will be updated periodically over the week, with final results to be posted in shul on Shmini Atzeres. The online auction will close on Hoshanah Rabbah (Wednesday, October 23) at 5:00 pm. Any items not bid on or in bidding process will continue Simchas Torah. Only "Buy-Now" options will not be offered for bid on Simchas Torah. Please forward to any of your contacts who may not receive this email who would like to participate.

Groups of people, men and women alike are offered the opportunity to bid and honor others with the actual aliyah / kibbud. One need not attend or even be in town to participate in this great mitzvah.

We look forward to your active involvement with helping make this a successful and uplifting Simchas Torah!

Multiple "buy-now" submittals in between periodic webpage updates will be notified and given the option to raise their bids in a silent auction.

  • We thank the many that have come forward to help participate in the over $50,000 estimated for this Yom Tov. Please contribute to the Simchas Torah Kiddush at
Name (if a group, all names):
Desired honor (Resubmit for multiple, indicate indoor or outdoor where applicable):
Your bid:
(Buy-now option only available if no bid yet)

Scroll to bottom to submit

Current Bids Posted:
Will be updated periodically

Multiple "buy-now" submittals in between periodic webpage updates
will be notified and given the option to raise their bids in a silent auction.

Honor Minimum Bid "Buy-Now"
Only if no bid yet
Current Bid
to continue Simchas Torah unless "buy now"
Psicha for Geshem $360 $1,800 SOLD: Bezkrovny
Psichas HaAron $180 $770  
Kohen $360 $1,800  
Levi $360 $1,800  
Shlishi $500 $1,800  
Revi'i $500 $1,800  
Kol Hanearim-Kids $770 $3,600   
Chasan Torah $1,000 $10,000 BID: $5,400 Ben Cotlar
Chasan Bereishis $1,000 $10,000 BID: $3,600 Daniel Cotlar
Maftir $770 $5,000  
Hagbah + Glila (x3) $500 $3,600  
