This is your place – for family and community, for celebration and discovery, for spiritual renewal and for reaching out to help others. This is a place you can truly call home.
Over thirty years of growth and service for Jews of all ages and walks of life, Chabad Lubavitch Center – the Texas Regional Lubavitch Center Headquarters–will now blossom to a new state of the art campus.
A glorious display of masterful modern architecture and ingenuity, the symbolic “Vessel Ramp” is inspired by Chabad’s mission and lesson for life’s greatest challenge: The molding of the world as a vessel for G‑dliness. Continuing their misssion, the anchor institutions of the Chabad Lubavitch Center will enjoy enhanced facilities for their activities in outreach, education and social services.
The the Synagogue, Torah Day School, Mikvaot, Camp Gan Israel, Chabad Hebrew School, Libraries and Collel Adult Education Institute will will be serviced with a total of over 30,000 square feet of space for young and old.
We invite you to take part in this magnificent project that will serve the needs of the entire community. Your generous support for the new Center’s construction will be an eternal tribute to your perceptive insight into the dynamics of Jewish continuity.