Houston Community Collel ~
Adult Education Institute
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• 10900 Fondren Road • Houston, Texas 77096 • 713-777-2000 •
Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff, Exec. Director
Rabbi Betzalel Marinovsky, Rosh Collel
Rabbi Yaakov Vidal, Shiurim Coordinator
Torah Study in Houston by Interest / Topic
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If you don't see a class that fits for you in our list of programs,
contact us to start a class for 1 or for 100!
All classes are for men and women, unless otherwise noted.
Click here for the classes days of the week.
Choose from these Class Types:
Subject of your Choice!
A special opportunity to study the Kolel Jewish subject of your choice - with a Rabbi - at your own pace. You choose the time, language and location.
Yeshivah Colel - One on One
Topics at such classes have included:
Crash Course on Basic Judaism, Hebrew Reading, Basic & Advanced Jewish Philosophy, History of the Jews, Hebrew Comphrehesion, Jewish Mysticism, Kabbala, Torah (Bible), Talmud, Mishna, Jewish Law, Guide to the Synagogue, Jewish Ethics and more.
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The Weekly Parsha
Using the voluminous writings of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, these classes lay the foundation for an inspired and meaningful week to follow. We’ll examine the weekly Torah reading through the lens of contemporary commentary, and you’ll be amazed at how topical and relevant the Parsha (weekly Torah reading) ideas and concepts really are. Both mystical and pragmatic, these sessions will truly elevate your spirits and refine your view of the world around you.
Vivendo con los Tiempos
Sundays, 6:30pm, Class monthly in Spanish by Rabbi D. Goldstein.
Call 713-774-0300 for dates and location
Parsha in Yiddish & Russian
Tuesdays, 2:30pm @ Goldberg Towers; 713-777-2000 by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
The Parsha-Power Perspective
Tuesdays, 8:00pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land by Rabbi M. Feigenson
Parshat Hashavua - Advanced Chassidut
Thursdays, 9:00pm @ Various Homes; 713-777-2000; Danny Fishman, coordinator
See also JLI - Torah Studies,
Lunch & Learn and
Kabbalah / Chassidut
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JLI - Torah Studies
Designed and developed by the world-renowned Jewish Learning Institute, the Torah Studies program brings you the tradition of classical Jewish learning in a series of clear and engaging weekly classes. Probing the ideas and issues presented in each week’s Torah portion, the Torah Studies classes offer timely lessons for living – from the most timeless of all texts.
Torah Studies program will take you through the yearly cycle of the Five Books of Moses, introducing you to new planes in spiritual, social and self-awareness – one week at a time.
Chabad House @ TMC
Tuesdays, 7:30-8:45pm; 713-522-2004 by Rabbi L. Lazaroff
Chabad Outreach
Thursdays, Lunch & Learn ($10) 12-1:15pm; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi D. Goldstein
Chabad of Uptown
Thursdays, Lunch & Learn ($10) 12-1:15 pm
Thursday Evenings, 8:00-9:00pm; 713-413-3960 by Rabbi Chaim
Chabad Jewish Learning Center of West Houston
Fridays, Lunch & Learn ($10) 12-1:15pm; 281-690-0366 by Rabbi D. Goldstein
See also Jewish Learning Institute and The Weekly Parsha
Women's Torah Classes
These fascinating and inspirational classes, focusing on the psyche and challenges of today's Jewish women, will forever change the way you think about life, spirituality and Judaism.
Women's Chumash Class
Join our intriguing weekly journeys into the hidden recesses of the Bible’s passages. Discover how the Torah’s ancient stories and doctrines are as relevant as computer science – in ways you would never imagine. This textually-based class uses the original Hebrew scripture along with the classic commentary of Rashi, the most comprehensive and straightforward interpretation of the Bible ever written.
Tuesdays, 1:00pm @ Lubavitch Center School days for Women by Rebbetzin C. Lazaroff
Practical Halacha
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 pm Lubavitch Center 713-777-2000 by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Jewish Themes for Women
Shabbos, Two hours before sundown 713-777-2000 by Rebbetzin C. Lazaroff
Chassidut Shiur - NEW!
Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00 pm @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi Y. Vidal
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Mishna / Talmud
These fascinating weekly journeys into the complex tomes of the Talmud will sharpen your wits and stimulate your analytic skills in a way nothing else can! You’ll enjoy the lively discussion that characterizes Talmudic study and have the opportunity to grapple with the famous logic that has embodied the ultimate in Jewish scholarship for nearly two millennia.
Mon.-Fri., 8:30am @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Talmud Sukah- Class in Hebrew
Mondays, 8:00pm @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Taste of Talmud
Shabbos, one hour before sundown @ Chabad House @ TMC by Rabbi Y. Schmukler
See also
Ethics of our Fathers &
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Ethics of our Fathers
The class is based on selected inspiring, textually-based journey into the heart and soul of Jewish Ethical Morality. This exciting and stimulating weekly class focuses on the teachings of Mishna-Avot and uses it as a springboard for discussion. Every lesson is an exquisite tapestry of mystical, pragmatic and contemporary Jewish philosophy. Learn how to apply Judaism’s timeless truths and axioms to solve the problems plaguing our present day libertine and hedonistic society.Emphasis is placed on becoming familiar with the concepts and language used in the Mishnaic text.
Urban Mortgage at Greenway Plaza
Thursdays, 12:00pm; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi D. Goldstein
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Halacha / Code of Jewish Law
Discover what it takes to live a life of tradition. Dispel the myths and shed light on the intricate details of Jewish observance at these morning classes straight from the source. Based on the text of “The Concise Code of Jewish Law”, you’ll learn the what, how and why of a “Torah Lifestyle”. This class will be a real eye opener, allowing you an intimate look at what observant Jewish life is really all about.
Popular Halacha
Sundays, 9:00am @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi S. Lazaroff
The Letter of the Law
Sundays, 9:30am @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Practical Halacha
Shabbos, one hour before sundown @ Chabad of Sugar Land by Rabbi M. Feigenson
See also
Maimonides, Women's Classes
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Maimonides' famous Mishneh Torah, or review of the Torah, covers the entire breadth of philosophical and legal topics that are the foundation of traditional Judaism.
Brief Overview
Sun.-Thurs., Sundown @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
In depth
Thursdays, 9:00pm Rotating 713-777-2000; Eli Lax, coordinator
Complete Chapter
Shabbos, One hour before sundown @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
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Kabbalah / Chassidut / Jewish Mysticism
Have you ever wondered what makes human beings tick? Do you want to have a deeper insight into the human condition and subconsciousness? Discover your soul on this fascinating trip into the deepest shades of your psyche. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah, as redacted in the text of the most celebrated and seminal volume of Chassidic and Mystical teaching, “The Tanya”, and from teachings of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, these weekly classes will open horizons and vistas beyond anything you have ever read, studied or imagined.
Tanya Class
Tuesdays, 12:30pm @ Chabad of Sugar Land by Rabbi M. Feigenson
Sundays, 7:00-8:00pm; @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Advanced Chassidus
Sundays, 8:00-9:00om; @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi Yaakov Vidal
Tanya - Class in Hebrew
Mondays, 8:30pm; Call 713-777-2000 for location; by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Kabbala & Jewish Mysticism
Wednedays, 7:00pm in Northeast Houston
Call 713-774-0300 for location; by Rabbi M. Traxler
Shabbos, 9:00am @ Lubavitch Center by Rabbi S. Lazaroff
Kabbalistic Insights
Insights in the bible through study of primary Kabblistic texts.
Shabbos, 9-10 am, 713-522-2004 by Rabbi Lazer Lazaroff
See also
The Weekly Parsha,
Lunch and Learn
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Jewish Learning Institute
An experience. A process. The struggle to understand, to feel, to make it real, to make it matter. To wrestle with the Jewish legacy and expose its inner light. Challenging the divine to come to terms with you, with your concerns, with your personal relationships and with everything that matters to human beings-and winning. You'll take this journey with teachers who live what they teach and teach what they live. Teachers with a thousand stories to tell. Who discuss the Jewish mystical experience from the inside out and take you on roads they're traveling themselves. Teachers who will give you their soul and being.
You'll come out with more than knowledge. You'll come out transformed.
Click here for current course!
Southwest Houston: Chabad Outreach Center
Sundays, 10:00-11:30am; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi M. Traxler
West Houston: JCC West
Mondays, 7:00pm-8:30pm; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi D. Goldstein
Southwest Houston: Chabad Outreach Center
Tuesdays, 10:30am-12:00pm; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi M. Traxler
Galleria Area: Chabad of Uptown
Tuesdays, 7:30pm-9:00pm; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi M. Traxler
Rice University Area: Chabad House @ TMC
Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm; 713-522-2004 by Rabbi Yitzchok Schmukler
Southwest Houston: Chabad Outreach Center
Thursdays, 7:30pm-9:00pm; 713-774-0300 by Rabbi M. Traxler
Lunch & Learn
During your lunch break, why not feed your soul as well as your body? Take some time out of a busy workday to study some Torah over a kosher lunch.
Each week we engage in text study from Bible to the Talmud. Each class is self contained; you won't fall behind if you miss a session.
Southwest Memorial Hermann Hospital
Wednesdays, 12:00pm; Monthly, 713-774-0300 by Rabbi M. Traxler
Southwest Houston
Thursdays, 12:15pm 713-774-0300 by Rabbi D. Goldstein
"The Diamond Building"
Thursdays, 12:30pm 6222 Richmond Ave.
713-777-2000 by Rabbi B. Marinovsky
Downtown Area
Fridays, 12:00pm 713-774-0300 by Rabbi M. Traxler
Katy Area
Fridays, 12:15pm @ Chabad Learning Center 281-690-0366 by Rabbi D. Goldstein
See also
Young Adults;
JLI - Torah Studies
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Young Adults
For over two years Chabad has been offering young singles and couples a warm, friendly environment where they can meet, socialize, and at the same time, get closer to their Jewishness. Besides for these weekly classes, Shabbat dinners and other programs have attracted young adults of all backgrounds and affiliations.
Womens Circle
Monthly gatherings for women @ Various Homes 713-774-0300;
Mrs. E.Goldstein and Mrs. G. Barnett; coordinators
Mommy & Me
Mondays, 2:30pm @ Various Homes 713-777-2000;
Mrs. G. Barnett; coordinator
Mommy & Me
Tuesdays, 10-11:30 am @ Chabad of Uptown, 713-419-3960;
by Chanie Lazaroff
See also
Lunch & Learn
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If you don't see a class that fits for you in our list of programs,
contact us to start a class for 1 or for 100!
All classes are for men and women, unless otherwise noted.
Click here for the classes listed by days of the week.
Would you like to start a Kollel study group in your home or office?
Contact us or call 713-777-2000.
10900 Fondren Road | Houston, Texas 77096
713-777-2000 |
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