
Shabbos Meals Distribution

Monday, 22 September, 2008 - 10:58 am

So, we still have not internet, although we do have electricity.

The truck did not arrive until 4:30 pm Friday afternoon, creating a challenging yet rewarding effort to distribute the meals as necessary before Shabbos. Brith Shalom did an amazing job in coordinating the logistics for the food to be distributed appropriately.

In addition to the underwriting of $10,000 towards the cost of this bold project, Chabad paid for 50 Shabbos packages (that is 250 meals) to be distributed to the seniors living at Goldberg Bnai Brith Towers, arriving just in time for Shabbos.

Shabbos at Chabad around town was extremely quiet, with many members still out of town, as they still lack electricity. Half of the neighborhood around Chabad Lubavitch Center finally got electricity right before Shabbos, while the other half received it late Sunday afternoon. As the heat wave kicks in, this much awaiting A/C relief is more appreciated than anything else :).

Torah Day School of Houston resumed today with an assembly for the student body and staff. Jewish perspectives on disasters were addressed, as a way to give the children a method of transition and recovery from a difficult week.

Comments on: Shabbos Meals Distribution

Nayara wrote...

Yes, and let's not forget the feradel department we support which monitors global anti-semitism. Now, that will help you with your home foreclosure, just as the next war with Iran will help you at the gas pump. I hear there's a new program afloat that will give Jewish Israelis American food stamps. It's being backed by the Black Caucas and the Daughters Of The American Revolution.