Chabad Lubavitch Center, the Texas Regional Headquarters under the directorship of Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff, has recently announced the acquisition of approximately two acres of land adjacent to the current one acre facility. The center, currently undergoing a major expansion and renovation will now blossom to a complete three acre campus in the middle of an urban Jewish area of southwest Houston.
The land will be used for much needed additional parking and playing fields and will be reserved for future development. Chabad Lubavitch Center comprises a Shul, Day School, Hebrew School, separate women's, men's and dishes mikvehs, Collel Adult Education, along with many other community services and activities.
For photos galleries, videos and updates on the 2007 Chabad Lubavitch Center expansion visit
Shmuly wrote...
Rabbi Morgenstern wrote...
This is great news! I can't believe this!
This is the fulfillment of "umilu es ha'aretz v'kivshuha!"
May it only grow from strength to strength ad bias goel tzeddek!
Yossef Koch wrote...
Yossef KochYossef
Sherilyn Jones wrote...
Sara Rosenfeld wrote...
Shelley Kohr wrote...
Shelley Kohr
matthew sarafzadeh wrote...
For many years, as I was attending TDS, I hated the location of those apartments. When i heard of this plan, I got so excited!