
Community Bulletin

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Mazal Tov Lazaroff and Slonim Families


The Chabad Lubavitch Community wishes a heartfelt mazal tov to

Rabbi Shmuli and Nechama Slonim,

Grandparents Rabbi Lazer and Rachel Lazaroff,


Great-Grandparents Rabbi Shimon and Chiena Lazaroff

on the birth of a baby boy.

May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.

Mazal Tov Traxler Family


The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School Communities wish a heartfelt mazal tov to

Grandparents Rabbi Moishe and Shoshana Traxler

on the birth of a baby boy to

Rabbi Levi and Devorah Leah (TDS Alumna) Illulian.

May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.

Mazal Tov Doniger Family


The Chabad Lubavitch Community wishes a heartfelt mazal tov to

Grandparents Avraham and Nehama Doniger

on the birth of a baby girl to

Itamar and Tirza Doniger.

May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.

Condolences Gottlieb Family


The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School communities extend heartfelt condolences to

Levi and Rivka Gottlieb

on the passing of his grandmother

Mrs. Devorah Fox, OBM

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.

Condolences Lazaroff Family


The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School communities extend heartfelt condolences to

Rabbi Chaim and Chani Lazaroff

on the passing of her grandmother

Mrs. Devorah Fox, OBM

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.

Mazal Tov Mandel Family


The Chabad Lubavitch and Torah Day School Communities wish a heartfelt mazal tov to

Grandparents Leibel and Bluma Mandel

on the birth of a baby girl to

Sholom and Feigy (TDS Alumna) Wircberg.

May we continue to share collectively in happy occasions together.

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