
Community Bulletin

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Mazal Tov - Cagen

The Chabad Community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to

Avrumie and Yehudis Cagen 

 on the birth of a boy!  

Mazal tov to grandparents
Stuart and Sheina Cagen 
and the whole Cagen family! 

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.


Mazal Tov - Hurwitz

 The Chabad Community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to 

 Yael Hurwitz and the Hurwitz family,

on her engagement to Yossi Nathanson of Los Angeles, CA. 


May we share in simchas always!  


Mazal Tov - Traxler family


Mazel tov to


Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Traxler


on engagement of


their daughter


Chana (Chani) Traxler 




Boruch Sholom Zajac


of Montreal, Canada
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