
Community Bulletin

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Mazal Tov - Mandel

The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to

Leibel and Bluma Mandel 

on the birth of a grandaughter!

Mazal Tov to parents

Rabbi Dov and Chana Tova Mandel

of Fort Worth, Texas! 

May we share in simchas always.


Mazal Tov - Sapir

The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to

Yoav and Sarah Michal Sapir

on the birth of twin daughters!

May we share in simchas always.


Condolences & Funeral Info - Denn


With profound sadness we inform you of the passing of

Gittel Esther Bas Meir (Gertrude) Denn

A Memorial Service will be held TODAY at 2:00 PM
Levy Funeral Homes 4525 Bissonnet St, Bellaire, TX 77401

Burial service will follow in Wharton, TX at
Shearith Israel Cemetary
at 1000 Barfield Rd, Wharton, TX 77488

General Directions:

I-59 South to Wharton/Bay City Exit 
Left on Hwy 59 Business/Hwy 60 South, under Freeway to Hwy 1301 (traffic light) 
Left on Hwy 1301 to Junior College Boulevard (traffic light) 
Left on Junior College Boulevard to Shearith Israel Cemetery (about 2 blocks on right)

Shiva information will follow.

May we only share simchas.

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.


Mazal Tov - Kaufmann

The Chabad community wishes a hearty Mazal Tov to   

Saadya and Chaya Sara Kaufmann
on the birth of a boy!  

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.



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