
Community Bulletin

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Cohen/Givon Engagement

 With joy and gratitude to Hashem 
we take pleasure in inviting the community 
to a L'chaim! 
in honor of the engagement of our daughter 

Nitzan Cohen to Shai Dov Givon of Brooklyn, NY

at our home 
7718 Portal Drive 
Motzei Shabbos - 27 Kislev (November 30th) at 8:00 pm 

We look forward to sharing our simcha with you, 
Uri & Yaffa Cohen

P.S. Save the date for the wedding in New York on 
February 16, 2014 - ט"ז אדר ראשון, תשע"ד

Mazel Tov Perl Family


 The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to   


Hetty & Avrohm Perl
on the 
birth of a granddaughter, to their daughter

Tova & Akiva Reich of NY 


 May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.


Mazel Tov Cohen Family

  The Chabad community extends its hearty Mazel Tov to 

Uri & Yaffa Cohen
upon the engagement of their daughter 

Nitzan Cohen (TDS Alumni) to Shai Dov Givon of Brooklyn, NY

May we share only Simchas!

Mazel Tov Cagen Family

 The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to   

Avrumy (TDS 04) & Yehudis Cagen
Grandparents Stuart & Sheina Cagen

on the birth of a son and grandson! 

 May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together.

Mazel Tov Radinsky/Lipsky Family

 The Chabad community extends its hearty Mazel Tov to 

Rabbi Radinsky & his daughter Dena Radinksy

upon the engagement of their granddaughter and daughter

Rona Lipsky (TDS alumni) to Moshe Lujan!

May we share only Simchas!

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