
Community Bulletin

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Mazel Tov Trusch - Baby Boy!

 The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to

Matt & Yael Trusch

on the birth of a baby boy!

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families 
and share happy occasions together

Make a donation on honor > 

Condolences & Funeral Info - Baskin Condolences & Funeral Info - Baskin

The Chabad community extends its sincere condolences to the 
Ina & Ruvin Baskin & Family
upon the passing of Ina's father

Avrohom ben Chaim Poltorak of blessed memory

The funeral service will be held tomorrow, Friday, March 16, 
at 11:30 am
at Beth Yeshurun Post Oak Cemetary


1. Take West Loop 610 North 
2. Exit Woodway/Memorial, then continue in center lane 
3. At Memorial Drive, turn left 
4. Turn right onto North Post Oak 
5. Continue north over I-10/Katy Freeway 
6. Cemetery is on the left

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.

Make a donation in memory > 

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