
Community Bulletin

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Mazel Tov Weltman Family


The Chabad community extends its hearty Mazel Tov to

Steve and Robin Weltman upon the engagement of their daughter

Rachel to Reuven Frosburg from Agoura Hills, CA. 

May we share only Simchas.


Mazel Tov Veksler Family

The Chabad community wishes a hearty mazel tov to

Alex and Devorah Leah Veksler

on the birth of a baby boy

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share happy occasions together

Mazel Tov Nelkin Family

The Chabad community wishes

a hearty mazel tov to

Stuart and Carol Nelkin and

to their son Dov and Yosefa Nelkin

on the birth of a son and grandson

May we be collectively blessed with joy in our families and share

happy occasions together


Correction: Kapparos is Wednesday, Oct 5.

Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2011
6:00 - 8:00 PM

13221 Old Richmond Rd. 77083

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