"What if?" is a brand new feature from ChabadTexas.org that gives families a place to watch, learn, play, and talk about Jewish ideas. Centered around a computer-animated adventure through imagination, "What if?" follows the whimsical imaginings of Eli, Ezi and Dina, as they ponder such questions as: "What if we never left Egypt?" Each "episode" is really a complete experience including videos, hands on experiments, games and discussion starters—making "What if?" a truly unique and immersive Jewish experience.
Click here to visit the new "What if?" section.
Community Bulletin
New Feature: "What if?"
New Blog: Parshah Dashboard
Each week, Joel Cohen poses questions on the weekly Parshah (Torah reading). These questions are addressed by Rabbis Adam Mintz and Eli Popack.
About the Participants:
Joel Cohen, a former federal and state prosecutor, practices criminal defense law at a prominent NYC law firm, and is an Adjunct Professor of Professional Responsibility at Fordham Law School. He also authors a column at the New York Law Journal.
Rabbi Adam Mintz is an adjunct professor in Jewish History at Queens College, the immediate past president of the New York Board of Rabbis, and lectures widely on a variety of topics. Rabbi Mintz served in the pulpit rabbinate for over twenty years.
Rabbi Eli Popack grew up in South Africa, and is the founder and president of Map International, a socially responsible business engaged in Electronic Financial Infrastructure in Africa. In the summer he serves as spiritual guide to the Beach Minyan in Westhampton Beach, NY.
Click here to read the new Parshah Dashboard blog.
Birthday Thought
This Shabbat, the 25th of Adar, marks the birthday, in 1901, of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson of righteous memory, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory. On this date in 1988, only a few weeks after her passing, the Rebbe launched a Birthday Campaign.
The Rebbe encouraged everyone to use this personally auspicious day to express gratitude to G-d for the most precious gift of life that He granted on this date; to rejoice—together with family and friends; and to take some time to reflect upon the past year—to assess what we’ve done well and what should be redressed, and to commit to do so much more in the coming year.
There’s more:
Visit our Jewish Birthday Section to find the date of your Jewish birthday, learn more about these special birthday observances, and discover the spiritual significance of your “personal Rosh Hashanah.”
Thinking of Summer
This past Saturday night we moved our clocks forward one hour—Daylight Saving Time. The warm days are not far away. The question many parents are asking around this time of year is: What will occupy my children during the interminable summer vacation? How can I provide them with a fun yet educational experience?
Camp Gan Israel is the largest Jewish camp network, with chapters in hundreds of cities in more than forty countries. At Gan Israel, children of all backgrounds experience firsthand the excitement and warmth of Judaism—in a fun, activity- and trip-filled setting.
If you want your child to be inspired and excited about his or her Jewish heritage, this is a good place to start. Click here to check out our Global Camp Directory, there’s probably one not far from you!
A Tehillim group for Devora Bat Yaffa Urkowitz will meet tonight (Wednesday) at 8:30 pm at the home of Susan Munk – 7706 Ludington- (Ladies only).
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts during your Tefilla.