
Community Bulletin

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Fly to NY for Gimmel Tamuz for $188 Round Trip!



To all who want to go to the Rebbe for Gimmel Tammuz,


Fly to NY for $188 Round Trip!


1) Go to or click Expedia Booking Link
2) Enter your dates but as a one way ticket. Travel between May 25–June 26, 2007.
3) On Pricing Page Enter the coupon code Jetblue36  and click "Apply and reprice"
4) Purchase Ticket
5) Expedia is only allowing each credit card to use this coupon one time. In order to use it more than once you will need to use multiple credit cards.


Remember to book each way as a separate booking to save $72 on each round trip that you book!!!


Please let us know by posting on the online bulletin or privately by email to  [email protected] if you are planning on being by the Ohel for Shabbos before Gimmel Tammuz or are planning to Come on Monday night. We are planning on having a program and want to plan accordingly.  


Much success on your preparations for the holy day of Gimmel Tammuz.



Condolences & Shiva Info - Greenberg

The Chabad community extends our sincere condolences to Mike Greenberg upon the passing of his father, Abe Greenberg, A"H.

Mike will be sitting shiva at the Geenbergs’ Home:  122 Windsor Circle, Washington Township, NJ 07676 

(201) 722-0309 

Wednesday: 7:30 pm 

Thursday: 8:30 pm 

Saturday: 8:30 pm 

May we only share good news.

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

From Life to Life: Loss and Mourning in Jewish Tradition

Mazel Tov Nelkins!

The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:
Stuart & Carol Nelkin upon the birth of a baby girl Katriela Yehudit, to their son Dov & Yosefa Nelkin of Highland Park, NJ!
May we only share in simchos! 

Women's Rosh Chodesh Program - Sivan


Please join us in welcoming the month of SIVAN

Thursday, May 17,2007

7:30 PM

At the home of Mindy Kronman

7903 Albin Lane

Chassidic Insights by Rebbetzin Chiena Lazaroff

Salad Night & Cheesecake Tasting Party

Cover charge: $10

Questions?? Miriam Fishman 713/790-1800

Gittel Tanenbaum 713/541-4540

Mazel Tovs to: Bormasters, Abramovs & Sassons

The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to: 


Boaz & Shana Bormaster upon the birth of a baby girl! Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. Ronnie & Harriet Bormaster.


Michail & Tzilya Abramov upon the birth of a grandson to their daughter, Yosef & Batsheva Reznick of Toronto, Ontario


Eli & Hana Sasson, upon the engagement of their daughter Shira to Dovid Douek of Hollywood, California!


May we only share in simchos!  

Mazel Tovs to: Fishmans & Grinshteins

The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:


David & Per Leah Fishman upon the birth of a baby girl, Chana Kraindel! Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Dr. Irving and Miriam Fishman and uncle, Danny & Rivka Fishman


Victor & Devorah Grinshtein, upon the engagement of their son Aron to Shira Kazilsky, of Johannesburg, South Africa!


May we only share in simchos! 

Please say Tehilim

Please say tehilim for a refuah shleima for Boaz Meir ben Chana Sarah, who will be undergoing an emergency biopsy and possible surgery in the coming days. 

Click here for Chapter 20. His chapter of tehilim corresponding to his age is Kapital 27 (or in Hebrew). 

May he have a complete refuah shleima!

Engagement L'Chaim - Cohens/Lipskis

With gratitude to Hashem please join us for a


in honor of the engagement of our children

Shlomie & Natalie 

on Motzei Shabbos, Lag B’omer, May 5, 2007

At 7718 Portal Drive, 9:30 pm 

May we only share simchos, 

Uri & Yaffe Cohen

Aharon & Gay Lipski

Mazel Tov Cagens!

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:


Stuart & Sheina Cagen, upon the engagement of their daughter Kaila to Ezra Chaim Horowitz, of California!


May we only share simchos!

Avos Ubonim - Father & Son learning program


Announcing the all new Avos Ubonim – Father & Son learning program! 

Now open to all fathers and sons (or anyone else looking for a place to study). 

Thursday’s @ 6.30 – 7.30pm

In the Chabad Lubavitch Center 

Weekly drawing for great prizes!!! 

*Refreshments served!!! 

If you are a beginner and looking for a chavrusa to learn with or for general information

Don’t hesitate to call 713-777-2000 (ask for Rabbi Simcha Morgenstern). 

May the merit of our Torah study bring Moshiach now!!!

Our Nation Grieves. Turn Darkness into Light.

Dear Friends,

You are surely aware of the unfortunate tragedy that occurred at the Virginia Tech campus.

We regret to inform you of the passing of a Jewish professor at Virginia Tech yesterday. Professor Liviu Libresco - a 75-year old Romanian-Israeli survivor of the Holocaust - blocked the door to the classroom with his body, sacrificing his life for those of his students. Professor Liviu and his wife Marlina emigrated to Israel from Romania in 1978 and had been living in the US for 22 years. You may share your sympathies with the family by clicking here. Rabbi Shlomo Mayer of Chabad UVA along with Rabbi Yossel Kranz of Chabad of Virginia are in Blacksburg to assist the family with a Jewish burial in Israel and to provide pastoral counseling and spiritual guidance.

As we all seek inspiration, would like share the following resources with the community. Feel free to share your feelings in the comments sections and send nichum aveilim to the Libresco family.

Ø       Thirty Three Murders By Yanki Tauber

Ø       Statement by Chabad on Campus

Ø       Send Condolences to the Libresco family

Statement Regarding the Tragedy at Virginia Tech
Chabad on Campus International Foundation

April 16, 2007 -- On behalf of the rabbis and staff of the 120 Chabad Student Centers in the United States and around the world, we express our profound shock at the senseless shooting that occurred earlier today at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Jewish tradition teaches that each human being is an entire world. Dozens of worlds were prematurely darkened today. The victims and their families are in our thoughts and prayers.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, taught of the need to turn tears into action. In the wake of today's tragedy, Chabad on Campus pledges to redouble its efforts to be a beacon of light on the college campus -- to provide a safe, nurturing environment to everyone who enters our doors. We urge students to increase our acts of goodness and kindness.

The men and women of Chabad are poised to offer any necessary assistance to the families of the victims and to the Virginia Tech campus community.

Students on other campuses seeking a safe space to discuss the tragedy, for guidance or referral, may contact their local Chabad student center. Please click here for a complete directory.

Chabad on Campus acts as a home-away-from-home, providing educational, social, spiritual and holiday programming for Jewish students at more than 120 campuses worldwide. To learn more about Chabad on Campus, please click here.

This Sunday: Lazaroff Pidyon Haben

Rabbi Shimon & Chiena Lazaroff


Rabbi Peretz & Chevie Lazaroff


Invite you to join the

Pidyon Haben

Of their grandson & son

Levi Yitzchak, sheyichya


On fourth day of Chol Hamoed Pesach

Sunday, April 8, 2007- Nissan 20, 5767

At 12:00 pm


To be held at the

Chabad Lubavitch Center

10900 Fondren Road, Houston


May we only share in simchos!


Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe, Vol. 1 0, p. 85 : It is stated in numerous seforim that participating in a Pidyon HaBen serves as a substitute for eighty-four fast days. This is discussed at length in Responsa Shem MiShimon, 1st edition, Vol. 10, Ch. 29.


Women's Rosh Chodesh Program - Nissan

Please join us

for a

Women’s Rosh Chodesh Program

as we welcome the month of




1st Nissan 5767

Tuesday, March 20th


We will be treated to a performance by 

Torah Day School Girls’ Organization

At 7:15 PM

Followed by dessert


At The Lubavitch Center

10900 Fondren Road



No Cover Charge

Questions?  Miriam Fishman  713-790-1800

Gittel Tanenbaum  713-541-4540

Mazel Tov Lazaroffs! / Matzah, Chametz & Pesach.

Order your matzah for $18 a lb today. Quantities are limited. Call 713-777-2000. 

 The Chabad family extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to: 

Rabbi Shimon & Chiena Lazaroff upon teh birth of a baby boy, to their son Rabbi & Mrs. Perertz & Chevie Lazaroff of Brooklyn, NY!

May we only share in simchos!

Purim @ Chabad Lubavitch Center

Chabad Lubavitch Center Happenings

Purim Melava Malka with Juggling Clown!

Saturday March 3 – 7:30pm
Clown Juggler, Melava Malka Party, Masquerade, Megillah Reading and lots of fun!


Megillah – Sun. March 4:

8:30 & 10:00 am

For more readings & fun parties around town and the world visit:


Purim Costume Contest

Condolences & Funeral Info TODAY - Shlomo Ohana

The Chabad community extends our sincere condolences to Sarah Ohana and her sons Danny & Raphy upon the untimely passing of their husband and father, Mr. Shlomo Ohana, a”h.


The funeral will be held, today, Sunday afternoon at 2pm at the Beth Jacob Cemetery off of TX-288 South.


May we only share good news.


From Life to Life: Loss and Mourning in Jewish Tradition

Adar Dance Night!!! (For men & boys mishmar night...)


משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה!!!

When Adar enters increase in joy!!! 

Bring on the joy of Adar!!!

Father’s and Son’s are invited to 

Join us for a Dance Night!!! 

This Thursday February 22nd

6:45 8:00pm

At Chabad Center 

Refreshments! Lebedik Music! Freeze pops! Lot’s of Adar spirit! 

Open to the entire community!

Women's Rosh Chodesh Adar

Please join us

for a

Women’s Rosh Chodesh Program

as we welcome the month of




29th Shevat 5767

Motzei Shabbat, February 24th

8:15 pm


At the home of Dalya Cohen

11107 Pembridge Drive

In honor of the birth of her daughter Mimi


Parve Melave Malka

Chassidic Insights by Rabbi Levi Mendelow of Stamford, CT


Cover charge:   $10

Questions?  Miriam Fishman 713-790-1800

Gayle Tanenbaum 713-541-4540 

Mazel Tov Traxlers!

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:

Rabbi Mendy & Rachel Traxler and to the grandparents Rabbi Moishe & Shoshana Traxler, upon the birth a baby girl, Chaya Mushkah! 

May we only share simchos!

Mazel Tov Shabats!

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to: 

Dr. Avvi & Yehudeet Shabat, upon the birth a baby girl, Rina Gittel!

 May we only share simchos!


Feb. 4 - Groundbreaking w/ Mayor, Consul General and more!

Chabad Lubavitch Center - Groundbreaking Ceremony | Feb. @ Noon
Please join us for the official groundbreaking ceremony on
Sunday, February 4 at 12-1 pm.
  • Keynote: Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar of The Shul of Bal Harbor, Florida
Honored guests and greetings from:
  • Mayor Bill White 
  • Israeli Consul General Asher Yarden 
  • City Council Member Anne Clutterbuck  
  •  Police Fondren Division Captain Bruce Williams
For more information call 713-777-2000 w

Unity Shabbat & Melava Malka - RSVP Today!

FEB 2-3: Bring Shabbat into your home and/or join Chabad at six locations and for a Melava Malka!

Shabbat Unity Experience - Feb. 2- 3
Light Shabbat Candles Feb. 2 at 5:42 pm

Inspiring services & Children's Programs
Delicious Shabbat Meals - RSVP required
See below for complete listing at six Houston area locations!

United Melava Malka - Saturday Night, Feb. 3 - 8:30pm
The Kabbalah of Song and Happiness
with Rabbi Eli Silberstein of Ithica, NY.
at Chabad Lubavitch Center – 10900 Fondren

Rabbi Silberstein, a Talmudic scholar with particular interests in the intersection of the legal and mystical dimensions of Jewish law, has authored numerous Jewish Learning Institute courses including: Biblical Reflections, Kabbalah of Time, You be the Judge, and co-authored Talmudic Ethics. He teaches comparative studies between American and Talmudic Law at Cornell University where he is the director of Chabad.

Melava Malka RSVP: 713.777.2000 | [email protected] - suggested donation $15

Schedule of events in Houston - Feb 2-3:
Ligh Shabbat Candles Feb. 2 at 5:42 pm

Chabad Lubavitch Center
10900 Fondren | 713.777.2000 |
Services: Friday, 5:50pm; Shabbat 10:00am
followed by lunch kiddush with Rabbi Silberstein | RSVP

Chabad Outreach
11000 Fondren B10 | 713.774.0300 |
Candlelighting: Friday, 5:42pm
7:00pm - JLI Shabbat Dinner with Rabbi Silberstein | RSVP

Medical Center / West U
1955 University Blvd | 713.522.2004 |
Services: Friday, 5:50pm -Family Shabbat Dinner following | RSVP
Shabbat 10:00am - light kiddush following

Sugar Land
832.758.0685 | 873 Dulles Ave, Ste
Services: Friday 5:50pm - Family Shabbat Dinner following | RSVP
Shabbat 10:00am - light kiddush following

5103 San Felipe | 713.419.3960 |
Services: Friday 6:30pm - Young Adults Shabbat Dinner following | RSVP
Shabbat 10:00am - light kiddush following

JCC West Houston,
1120 Dairy Ashford | 281.690.0366 |
Services: Friday 6:00pm - Family Shabbat Dinner following | RSVP
Shabbat 10:00am - light kiddush following

More information about the worldwide Shabbat unity project at

Women's Rosh Chodesh Program - Shevat

Please join us

for a

Women’s Rosh Chodesh Program

as we welcome the month of 


1st Shevat 5767

Motzei Shabbat, January 20th

8:15 PM 

At the home of Rochel Lazaroff

1955 University Boulevard 

 Delicious Dinner
Chassidic Insights & Sicha by Rabbi Lazer Lazaroff


Cover Charge:  $10

Questions?  Miriam Fishman  713-790-1800

Gittel Tanenbaum  713-541-4540


Condolences & Shiva Info - Ullmans

The Chabad community extends our sincere condolences to Nachman Ullman of Brooklyn, NY (forrmerly of Houston, Texas) upon the passing of his mother.


He is sitting shiva through Friday morning: 281-686-2056.


May we only share good news.


Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.


From Life to Life: Loss and Mourning in Jewish Tradition

Mazel Tov Nuszens! / Kiddush / Cohn Party

The 70th birthday brunch for Connie Cohn at the Israel's home (on 1/21 @ 11:30 am) is for women only.
A full Shabbos-Lunch kiddush (with challah, cholent and the works) will be served in Shul this Shabbos Rosh Chodesh, Parshas Va'eira, and in honor of the birth of Chaya Mushkah Barnett.

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:

Dr. Jack & Miriam Nuszen, upon the birth a baby girl, Tziporah Devorah!

May we only share simchos!

Invitation for Connie's Brunch

Please join us for a Brunch

            to celebrate

        the 70th birthday of

Connie (Chana) Cohn

Sunday, January 21, 2007

               2 Shevat

          At the home of

Avrami and Monica Israel

      7911 Candle Lane

           11:30 AM

Hosted by: Bayla Cotlar

           Miriam Fishman

           Dana Gavin

           Debra Raichman

           Sharon Taitel

We thank you for responding by January 16, 2007 to facilitate our preparations.

Mazel Tov Cohens!

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:
Uri & Yaffa Cohen upon the engagement of their son Shlomo to Natalie Lipski, daughter of Aaron and Gila Lipski of Panama!
May we only share simchos!
Post a mazel tov here!

Mazel Tov Donins

The Chabad community extends a hearty "Mazal Tov!" to:
Levy & Laykie Donin, upon the birth a baby boy!
May we only share simchos!
Post a mazel tov here!
Looking for older posts? See the sidebar for the Archive.